Wednesday, August 24, 2011

#3 Babies, babies everywhere!

You know that feeling you get when you buy a new car and all of a sudden you start seeing that car driving all over the place?  Well I am starting to wonder, have there really always been babies around every corner and I just didn’t see them? It seems like babies are everywhere these days.

On a side note, I am really starting to feel bad for the kid in Sixth Sense. Just imagine starting to see dead people and then they start showing up everywhere. Yikes!

It’s been a thrilling time in our lives and the lives of our friends and family. I just wanted to start this post by welcoming a new friend into the world - baby Landon. With Landon, in addition to Lulu’s new cousins, Grant and Gabby; and our other baby friends Drake and Kaylee, it is clear that Lulu will have some fun little ones around to grow up with. We couldn’t be more thankful for them all.

I’ve got a golden ticket!
In addition to always having an excuse to go out to eat, having a wife that is pregnant is sort of like having an exclusive ticket to a party where only other parents can attend. It’s like the first time you get that letter in the mail letting you know you are prequalified for a credit card. All of a sudden I am prequalified to talk about and be included in any number of different topics regarding children. Like that first credit card notification being slid into the mail box, I thought I was pretty lucky.

I quickly learned there are a number of realities of parenthood that don’t necessarily make for great dinnertime conversation. In fact, they probably don’t make very good blog conversations either. To make my point maybe I should briefly list the keywords involved in each conversation: placenta, breast pump, feces color, and vernix caseosa (which is not a spell in Harry Potter). I could go on, but what other party would you want to attend where these are the topics of conversation? 

Seriously though, it has been a lot of fun. There are so many interesting new things to learn and fake being an expert at. Some I cannot wait for and others terrify me.  Like in one book there was a chapter on baby proofing, have any of you read that?  It’s ok if you haven’t; there is a new TV show about the same thing. It’s called “1001 ways to die.”   

Organize storage for hair accessories
My wife loves lists. I think it is a secret excuse to use as many tiny bits of paper lying around as possible. Which now that I come to think of it, choking hazard! She has a list for everything. Do not get me wrong, I love it. If she didn’t have a list to keep us on track we’d be in a lot of trouble. Me most of all!
With that said, there are a lot of things on the lists now that I never thought I would have to do. The list she showed me yesterday had “organize baby storage for hair accessories.”  I think I need to make a to do list called Rocky’s never thought he’d have to do list - from death proofing to barrette sorting. FYI, I had to look up how to spell barrette… so it begins.

Chinese calendar
We had an ominous warning the other day.  We were having some Pho at Jade Dragon (waiting for my ad money from them) and we came across the Chinese calendar.  “Oh I wonder what Lulu is going to be,” we said with all the joy of soon to be parents.  Our little girl will be born in the year of the Rabbit.  How perfect, she will be keen, wise, considerate, fashionable, and kind. All great stuff right?  We should’ve stopped reading. The last part simply said, beware the rooster.  Wait, Shelli and I are roosters.  Under rooster it says, rabbits are trouble. I think we might have a feisty one on our hands! 

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Hair accessory storage sounds a lot sillier out loud than it did when I put it on my list. Oh well, I'm doing it anyway. You'll be thankful. :)
